Lorenzetti Governance Foundation

Bringing the ideas of Lorenzettis unique frescoes to our time and thereby solving administrative problems of large cities.

Lorenzettis unique frescoes explained.


Ambrogio Lorenzetti (Siena 1290-1348) was a renowned early Renaissance artist who, in the heyday of the Sienese city-state, was commissioned to depict the city council in the Sala dei Nove of the Palazzo Pubblico. Lorenzetti painted the frescoes on three walls depicting the allegorical representations of the Good Administration, the Good City State with its outskirts and the Bad administration. These three murals were intended to portray the citizens of Siena and to teach them about the consequences of the Good and Bad Administration. Today, these three frescoes are still a source for testing the quality of governance and are an inspiration for administrative renewal.

The Allegory of Good Government

In the heyday of the city state of Siena, around 1338, Ambrogio Lorenzetti was commissioned by the city council to portray the city in the Sale dei Nove. The frescoes painted on three walls are allegorical representations of the good and bad administration and its effects on the inhabitants of the city-state and surrounding areas. The administrative renewal that underlies Siena’s heyday is the source of inspiration from which the Lorenzetti Governance Foundation originates.

For the Lorenzetti Governance Foundation, the study of the representations of these frescoes is the inspiration that Good Governance does not serve the administrators, the state or the city, but is subservient to the citizens and their own state or city.

Nowadays Good Governance and attention to administrative renewal is a commandment for government and the business community for the benefit of society as a whole.

Converting Lorenzetti’s ideas to our times.

The Good City republic.

The Allegory of Bad Government

The Allegory of Bad Government or the City State under Tyranny; There, where Justice is bound, no one is ever in accord for the Common Good, nor pulls the cord (i.e. of Civic concord) straight (i.e. with force and full commitment); therefore, it is fitting that Tyranny prevails. Tyranny in order to carry out her inequity neither wills nor acts in disaccord with the filthy nature of the Vices, who are shown here conjoined with her; Cruelty, Treason, Fraud, Furor, Division, War, Avarice, Pride and Vainglory. She banishes those who are ready to do good and calls around herself every evil schemer. She always protects the assailant, the robber and those who hate peace, so that her every land lies waste.

The City State under Tyranny.

Policy plan

Activities & initiatives

The foundation intends to achieve its goals by:

  • organizing symposia, giving public lectures, interviews, seminars, conferences and training courses
  • giving study and project assignments
  • publishing (scientific) publications
  • liaising with governments, educational institutions, enterprises, think-tanks, new political/social initiatives in connection with the Renaissance of the city-states
  • entering into partnerships with institutions, organizations active on the basis of related objectives
  • setting up and building an online platform on which all the initiatives mentioned here can be disseminated, shared and contribute to the social debate;
  • and, in general, anything that can help to achieve the objective.

Governance & management

The Board of the Lorenzetti Governance Foundation consists of three members:

  • Dr. J.D. Albarda, chairman
  • M.F. Driessen, treasurer
  • I.S.L. Lebrocquy, secretary

The management is led by D. de Goede, founder and director of the Lorenzetti Governance Foundation. The board members work unremunerated for the foundation. The Foundation does not aim to make a profit and was founded on 24 March 2020 as a public benefit purpose institution.

Recent Publications

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Why now?

The Lorenzetti Governance Foundation was founded on 9 April. The statutes have been passed by the notary and the foundation is registered in the Chamber of Commerce.

"Couldn't that wait until after the Corona crisis?", I was asked.

When cities reopen, a New Normal must be created in which precisely Lorenzetti's guidelines of Good Governance can offer inspiration and guidance.
I will invite a select group of friends and acquaintances to participate in this foundation... in ideas and money.

Read the latest publications in our blog.

We highly value your opinion, don’t hesitate to reach out!